+2731 736 2071 / +2711 957 5973 sales@dynamicauto.co.za

Rearing Systems

Mk II A-Frame rearing cage system for poultry farming is available in 2-Tier, 3-Tier and 4-Tier.

Rearing Cage Systems

The cost-efficient Mk II A-frame cage system has served the rearing industry extremely well over the past 25 years and is still the preferred cage among some of the large farmers. This tried and tested system is built using high-quality materials and is supported at 2m centres, eliminating any sagging.

The A-frame rearing system can be automated as and when required. Installation is quick and efficient. Spare parts are available off the shelf.

Feed Handling

Manual, semi automatic (push) travelling hoppers, fully automatic travelling hoppers or automatic chain feeding.

Drinking systems

LUBING nipples with drip cups.

Optional: Starter float cup, which can be removed once birds adapted. Header tanks or pressure regulators with flushing facility.


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Dynamic Automation A-Frame Rearing Systems

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Dynamic Automation is a South African company that specializes in the manufacture and supply of equipment to the poultry industry.

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+2731 736 2071

